Just a reminder GIS families...no school on Monday. We hope you enjoy your Labor Day with your families. Can't wait to see you on Tuesday. Mrs. Robbeloth and staff
over 2 years ago, Galion Intermediate School
Ms. Garver's class was working on reading and making something from a recipe. They synergized as a class to make cinnamon applesauce. They told Mrs. Robbeloth that they used apples, water, sugar, cinnamon, and even a little bit of lemon to create their Friday treat. It sure was scrumptious! Great job everyone.
over 2 years ago, Galion Intermediate School
Ms. Garver pointing to the different ingredients on the recipe.
Putting apples in crockpot to cook.
Students enjoying their applesauce.
Students eating applesauce.
Great things are happening at GIS! Students in Mrs. Stinehour's 3rd grade class have been working hard on earning their classroom Tiger Paws. A class can earn a Tiger Paw for exhibiting the 3 R's (Ready, Respectful, and Responsible). They can earn these Tiger Paws from any staff member in the building. At 5 Tiger Paws, they were able to wear jeans for the day. As you can see, they are well on their way to the next incentive. It's a GREAT day to be a Tiger at GIS! Way to go students- Mrs. Robbeloth and Duffey are proud of you.
over 2 years ago, Galion Intermediate School
Tiger Paws posted on wall for incentive
Picture of students wearing jeans for their Tiger Paw incentives
Mrs. Duckworth's 3rd Grade class were discussing Wildly Important Goals today in Leadership with Mrs. Shifley. Our students are learning how to use the eight habits of the Leader in Me program at GIS during their Leadership block.
over 2 years ago, Galion Intermediate School
Students discussing with teacher goals.
Reminder to GIS families: Picture day will be here on 9/6, so we wanted to give you time to look for those outfits. Students who are purchasing pictures may be out of uniform as long as the outfits are school appropriate. Shirts and dresses should have sleeves and logos and wording on shirts should be respectful to our community. Thank you for keeping our students responsible, respectful and ready. Can't wait to see them all dressed up for their picture day.
over 2 years ago, Galion Intermediate School
Just a reminder GIS families, tonight will be the Instrument Petting Zoo in the cafeteria at 6:00-8:00 PM. You will have a chance to talk with Mr. Warkall, the band director, about the class and see many of the instruments that are available for rent to own/or purchase. If you have any questions about the band program and can not make the event tonight at GIS please email Mr. Warkall at warkall.luke@galionschools.org. Hope to see you there.
over 2 years ago, Galion Intermediate School
GIS Safety Patrol is a select group of Fifth Graders that are committed to providing a safe school environment for all students at GIS and GPS. These students are recommended by their 4th Grade teachers and Safety Patrol Coordinator. Patrol membership is an honored position. Safety Patrol participation offers students an early opportunity to serve as a school volunteer. Safety Patrol promotes: Citizenship, Leadership, Service, and Responsibility. Safety Patrol members arrive before school at 7:30 am, and stay until 3:15 or 3:45. Members are stationed in various posts in and around the Intermediate and Primary buildings. The patrol member's job is to remind students of classroom, hallway, cafeteria, playground, and bus safety rules and to guide them in making safe choices on school property.
over 2 years ago, Galion Intermediate School
5th Safety Patrol students with Mrs. Price the coordinator
This past week Mrs. Price instructed 5th grade students, Lily Lunsford and Nadalie Milo on how to use the mug press.
over 2 years ago, Galion Intermediate School
Mrs. Price is in the library with two students showing them how to use the mug press.
Cool things happening in Ms. Garver's class today. Students were making sundaes by choosing 5 fun facts about them as their "ice cream scoops." The students had a great time learning about each other!
over 2 years ago, Galion Intermediate School
Students sitting at table listening to a teacher give directions for how to put a craft together.
Students sitting at table listening to a teacher give directions for how to put a craft together.
The Galion Elementary Cross Country team is looking for students in grades 3-6 to join Cross Country. If you have questions please call coaches Kellen Kiser at 419-561-2891 or Jasmine Clingman at 419-569-3545. An email with the flyer will be sent today with more details. Please have students return the flyer if interested. Also, there will be copies of the flyer in the Intermediate Building office if students need a copy printed.
over 2 years ago, Galion Intermediate School
Galion Intermediate Families...Ohio Heartland Community Action Commission (OHCAC) in conjunction with the Second Harvest Food Bank are offering the Back Pack Program through the school year for Galion City School aged children K-12. This program provides participating students with a small bag filled with child-friendly, shelf-stable food for the weekend. If you would be interested in this program or have questions please contact Kirstie Naumoff, school social worker, at 419-468-3637 ext 14407. Check your student's back pack to see if they already brought home a sign up form. If not and you are interested please contact our school social worker.
over 2 years ago, Galion Intermediate School
Students in the Intermediate building got to check out the brand new addition to the playground during Gym class this week! Classes got to learn how to play the game of Gaga Ball! Gaga Ball is a fast paced, fun, and high energy game that is played in an octagonal pit. What a great addition for our students to enjoy!
over 2 years ago, Galion Intermediate School
Students playing on the playground a new game called Gaga Ball.  It is played inside an octagonal pit.
Students playing on the playground a new game called Gaga Ball.  It is played inside an octagonal pit.
Hey Galion Intermediate students and families. Our staff has a message for you. Please go to this link. https://youtu.be/7TCt4dduWjo
over 2 years ago, Galion Intermediate School
We are looking forward to seeing you at Open House at GIS on Tuesday, August 16th from 4:30-6:30pm.
over 2 years ago, Galion Intermediate School
GIS Open House Flyer 8/16 4:30-6:30PM
Mark your calendars! The first day of school is August 17th and all buildings will start with a 2-hr delay. Please note that breakfast will not be served on 2-hr delays at the Primary, Intermediate, and Middle School.
over 2 years ago, Galion City Schools
First Day of School
It's that time of year again! Time to get all back to school forms updated and signed. Fall Athletes must have all forms completed and physicals turned in prior to 1st day of official practice. All students in grades 6-12 must have Final Forms signed in order to receive their schedules and iPads. (Dates TBA) Incoming 6th grade students will complete their forms during the first week of school. Questions? Call 419-468-3134 ext 11012
over 2 years ago, Galion City Schools
Final Forms - Have you done yours?
Galion City Schools announces school hours for the 2022-23 Academic Year. More information regarding Open Houses and other events will be posted soon.
over 2 years ago, Galion City Schools
School Hours
Applications to apply for the Crawford County Job & Family Services Back to School Wear Program are due July 1, 2022. Applications can be picked up at the Job & Family Services office, located at 225 E. Mary St in Bucyrus, or printed off their website at : https://crawfordcountyjfs.org/prc-net-transportation/. Applications are also available at the Galion and Crestline libraries. Additionally, Job & Family Services staff will be ON SITE at the Galion, Crestline, and New Washington libraries the week of June 27-July 1 to take applications and answer questions. Dates, times and locations are listed below: - Monday 6/27 - Crestline Library - 1:00-3:30 - Monday 6/27 - New Washington Library- 1:00-3:30 - Tuesday 6/28 - Galion Library - 1:00-3:30 - Thursday 6/30 - Galion Library - 1:00-3:30 - Friday 7/1 - Crestline Library - 1:00-3:30 Please call 419-562-8066 for more information or if you would like Job & Family Services to mail an application to you.
over 2 years ago, Galion City Schools
back 2 school wear program
Hey Tigers! Looking to make some extra money this summer? We are looking for summer helps to assist in this summer's cleanup of the buildings! Please contact Mr. Brian Owens at owens.brian@galionschools.org for more details and if you're interested in being part of the Summer Tigers Team!
over 2 years ago, Galion City Schools
22 summer help
We currently have several positions available, including Intermediate School Assistant Principal and Bus Driver for the 2022-2023 school year! If you, or someone you know, has the qualifications to join the Tiger team, please visit our website - https://bit.ly/37aLKkJ - for more information about these, and other opening positions, in our district!
over 2 years ago, Galion City Schools
gcs join our team